Sunday, January 05, 2014

the loveliest of sundays

Yesterday I fell in love with this little pretty, so it's on the way to our home as we speak. I hope it can brave the elements.

It's frigid cold here, so what else is there to do but fill the crock pot with chicken and peppers, for chicken tacos. Bonus- school has been cancelled for tomorrow because of the cold, so the leftovers will go nicely.

I decided to paint my Moleskin calendar. I think it will jazz my January up quite nice, while giving me another creative outlet at the same time... Be mindful is what I swished on the opposite page of this journal... Be mindful. I couldn't even begin to tell you, how important it is for me to live my life, with these words at the forefront.

While incorporating all the slowness into these days that I can, I decided to re-read this book, it's a keeper on my bookcase for sure.

"What we reach for may be different, but what makes us reach is the same." Mark Nepo

Have the loveliest of Sundays; stay warm my friends. x.


Margie said...

I just picked up a lovely from Trader Joes myself. I love being surrounded by indoor greenery too. Your book sounds like one I would thoroughly enjoy Christina. I am currently reading "The Aviator's Wife", which I highly recommend.

Cozy up, Margie

Becca said...

Looks like a beautiful day "indoors." Stay warm my friend…sounds SO cold in your neck of the woods! I had to switch from a drink with ice to hot tea just from seeing the cold on TV. :-)

d smith kaich jones said...

what makes us reach is the same.

i love that. and once again your words, the smells, the feel of a warm room in a cold house. you take me there so easily.

Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

I love your painted calendar...what a nice idea. I got a little cheapo calendar at the dollar store...nice big days to fill with appointments and commitments, opens like a book nice and big so I can see the whole month...but it's plain and ugly. This may be the trick...or washi tape and doodly edges! xo

gkgirl said...

so pretty!!